We are committed to taking a leadership role in environmental stewardship.

Consent Order Compliance

The documents below have been submitted by The Chemours Company to the North Carolina DEQ and Cape Fear River Watch pursuant to the requirements of the Consent Order and Addendum:

Chemours – Long Term Remedy PMP Report #5 – June 27, 2024

Chemours - First Quarter 2024 Mass Loading Assessment Report - June 27, 2024

Chemours - PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods - Interim Report 9 - June 26, 2024

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - April 30, 2024

Chemours - Fourth Quarter 2023 Mass Loading Assessment Report – March 28, 2024

Chemours – Long Term Remedy PMP Report #4 – March 28, 2024

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - January 29, 2024

Chemours - PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods - Interim Report 8 - December 22, 2023

Chemours - Third Quarter 2023 Mass Loading Assessment Report - December 22, 2023

Chemours – Long Term Remedy PMP Report #3 - December 22, 2023

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - October 23, 2023

Chemours – Long Term Remedy PMP Report #2 - September 29, 2023

Chemours - Second Quarter 2023 Mass Loading Assessment Report - September 29, 2023

Chemours - Onsite Seeps Long-Term Loading Baseline Report - September 20, 2023

Chemours – Summary Report of Paragraph 11(c) and (d) On Site Sampling - July 14, 2023

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - July 25, 2023

Chemours - PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods - Interim Report 7 - June 29, 2023

Chemours - First Quarter 2023 Mass Loading Assessment Report - June 29, 2023

Chemours - Groundwater and Seeps Remediation Report #1 - June 29, 2023

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #14 - May 31, 2023

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - April 26, 2023

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #13 - March 31, 2023

Chemours - Fourth Quarter 2022 Mass Loading Model Report - March 30, 2023

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #12 - January 31, 2023

Chemours - NCDEQ Quarterly Progress Report - January 27, 2023

Chemours - Third Quarter 2022 Mass Loading Model Report - December 28, 2022

Chemours - PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods - Interim Report 6 - December 28, 2022

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #11 - November 30, 2022

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - October 28, 2022

Chemours - Letter Regarding Barrier Wall and Groundwater Extraction System 90% Design Report - October 25, 2022

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #10 - September 30, 2022

Chemours - Second Quarter 2022 Mass Loading Assessment Report - September 30, 2022

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #9 - July 29, 2022

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - July 28, 2022

Chemours Submission of PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods Interim Report #5 - June 30, 2022

Chemours - Consent Order - First Quarter 2022 Mass Loading Model Report - June 30, 2022

Chemours - Interim Four Counties Plan Version 3 - June 1, 2022

Chemours - Interim Seep Remediation O&M Report #8 - May 31, 2022

Chemours Revised EPA Method 537Mod for Site-Related PFAS - May 18, 2022

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - April 28, 2022

Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #7 - March 31, 2022

2021 Semiannual Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11 (d) - March 31, 2022

Fourth Quarter 2021 Mass Loading Model Report - March 31, 2022

Barrier Wall and Groundwater Extraction System 90% Design Report - March 25, 2022

Chemours Response to NCDEQ November 3 Notice - February 1, 2022

Chemours Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #6 Pursuant to Paragraph 2.a of the Consent Order Addendum - January 31, 2022

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - January 28, 2022

Chemours Submission of Total Organic Fluorine Report - December 31, 2021

Chemours Submission of PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods Interim Report #4 - December 23, 2021

Chemours Third Quarter 2021 Mass Loading Model Report - December 23, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - Chemours Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #5 - November 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - Interim "Seep B" Remediation Effectiveness Demonstration Report - November 4, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - October 29, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2(a) - October 21, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 4(c) - September 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 1(b) - September 30, 2021

Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #4 - September 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 11(d) - Ongoing Sampling - September 29, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - Interim "Seep A" Remediation Effectiveness Demonstration Report - August 26, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - Barrier Wall and Groundwater Extraction System 60% Design Report - August 13, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #3 - July 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - PFAS Non-targeted Analysis and Methods - Interim Report #3 - July 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 28 - July 30, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Submission - First Quarter 2021 Mass Loading Model Report - June 30, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 18 - June 14, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 4.d - May 28, 2021

Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #2 - May 28, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 11(c) - Final Quarterly Report - Addendum 1 - May 28, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 28 - April 23, 2021

Chemours Consent Order Addendum - Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2.a - April 16, 2021

Chemours Fourth Quarter 2020 Mass Loading Model Report - March 31, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2(a) - March 31, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 (c) - February 16, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - January 26, 2021

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11(a) - December 31, 2020

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 1(b) - December 23, 2020

Chemours Consent Order Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 11 - December 18, 2020

Chemours Consent Order Addendum Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 4(d) - November 30, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2.c.ii of Consent Order Addendum - October 30, 2020

Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Paragraph 28 of the Consent Order  - October 28, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 11.2 of the Consent Order - October 23, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraphs 1(b) and 4(b) of the Consent Order Addendum - September 30, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraphs 1 and 2(a) of the Consent Order Addendum - August 31, 2020

Chemours Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - July 1, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11(c) - July 31, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - July 21, 2020

Chemours Submission of PFAS Non-Targeted Analysis and Methods Interim Report - June 30, 2020

Updates to Laboratory Analytical Test Methods - June 10, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11(c) - April 30, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - April 24, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 7 - March 30, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11c - January 31, 2020

Responses to DEQ Comments on Sediment Characterization Plan - January 22, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - January 22, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8b - January 21, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12e - January 15, 2020

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 16 - December 31, 2019

December Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Paragraph 8 - December 20, 2019

Chemours Total Organic Fluorine Quarterly Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 26 - December 10, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 8(a) - December 3, 2019

Chemours November Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - November 20, 2019

Chemours Submission of Supplemental Information Report for Cape Fear River PFAS Loading Reduction Plan - November 4, 2019

Chemours Updated Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 18 - October 31, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11C - October 31, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8bi - October 25, 2019

Chemours October Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - October 21, 2019

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - October 17, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12e - September 30, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 18 – September 30, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 – September 23, 2019

Chemours Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraphs 12 and 11.1 - August 26, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - August 21, 2019

Consent Order Paragraph 11.2 Sediment Characterization Plan - August 21, 2019

Intake and Outfall Memo - August 8, 2019

Old Outfall 002 GAC Pilot Study Interim Results Report - August 5, 2019

Quarterly Report #1 Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11(c) - July 31, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - July 22, 2019

Submission of Offsite Screening Level Exposure Assessment of Site Associated PFAS - Workplan - July 19, 2019

Response to Comments on Chemours Old Outfall 002 Remedial Options Plan – July 17, 2019

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - July 15, 2019

Submission of Site Associated PFAS Fate and Transport Study Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 27 - June 24, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - June 21, 2019

Laboratory Analyses for MTP, MMF, DFSA and PPF Acid - June 18, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 23 - June 10, 2019

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 11- June 10, 2019

Responses to Comments: PFAS Mass Loading Model Scope of Work Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12 - May 31, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - May 21, 2019

Submission of Old Outfall 002 Remedial Options Plan Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12e - May 20, 2019

Responses to DEQ Questions on Laboratories for Consent Order Paragraph 14 - May 9, 2019

Responses to Comments and Submissions Pursuant to Paragraphs 11a and 11b - May 6, 2019

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 - April 30, 2019

Drinking Water Compliance Plan Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 24 - April 26, 2019

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - April 22, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8.b.i - April 15, 2019

PFAS Loading Model Scope of Work for Consent Order Paragraph 12b - April 11, 2019

Work Plan for Toxicity Studies Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 14 - March 27, 2019

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8(d) - March 22, 2019

Provision of Sampling Results Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 22 - March 7, 2019

Request for Approval of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Drinking Water Systems Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraphs 19 and 20 - March 6, 2019

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 - March 4, 2019

Provision of Sampling Results Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 22 - March 4, 2019

Request for Laboratory Approval Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 14 - March 1, 2019

Final Seeps and Creeks Work Plan (not a required Consent Order submission) - February 27, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 8 - February 22, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 7 - February 15, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 11(a) - January 30, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraphs 12(c) and 27 - January 14, 2019

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 17 - December 31, 2018

Notification Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 7.b.ii - December 31, 2018

Chemours PFAS Characterization Sampling Plan Pursuant to Paragraph 11(b) of Proposed Consent Order - December 28, 2018

Submission of Test Methods and Lab Standards for PFAS in Facility Air Emissions Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Paragraph 9 - December 20, 2018

Information Pursuant to Paragraph 21 of Proposed Consent Order - December 18, 2018