Chemours’ Thermal & Specialized Solutions business sits at the intersection of chemistry, physics, and design, making it a leading provider of innovations and high-performance products that meet the thermal management and other specialized requirements of any environment.
Society needs solutions which enable technological progress and environmental sustainability. Our Thermal & Specialized Solutions segment has been at the forefront of solutions to solve these problems—having invented the category nearly a century ago with Freon™. Today, our Opteon™ Low GWP portfolio sets the bar for more sustainable thermal management solutions—and we continue to expand and create new sustainable solutions for today and future industry needs.
Our offerings deliver superior performance, quality, and safety, meeting temperature performance requirements in any environment and helping our customers meet their regulatory requirements. We are the original thermal management experts, and we will continue to invest in innovation and technology to build upon our unmatched expertise in ways that create growth opportunities for our customers around the world, while also addressing pressing societal issues such as climate change.