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Showing 2391-2400 of 2545 results

Pilot-type solenoid valve applications case study

Krytox™ fluoropolymer lubricants reduced damage claims for a Korean valve manufacturer.

Designed for use in ABS systems

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a plastic that has added dimensions of performance beyond a single phase polymer.

flex tc th 3 22

flex tc german 3 22

Determination of Table 3 Compounds by LC/MS/MS Chemours Fluoroproducts

This documentation has been prepared by TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. and its affiliates (“TestAmerica”), solely for their own use and the use of their customers in evaluating their qualifications and capabilities in connection with a particular project.

TW EIA 109 02 109 04


Die Chemours Company, ihre verbundenen Unternehmen und Tochtergesellschaften (zusammen „Chemours“) stellen Ihnen diese Website (die „Website“) unter den folgenden Bedingungen sowie zu allen zusätzlichen Bedingungen, die auf dieser Website zu finden sind und die hierin durch Verweis aufgenommen werden („Bedingungen“), zur Verfügung.

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12.e September 30, 2019

Chemours is pleased to submit the enclosed reports pursuant to paragraph 12.e of the Consent Order (CO) entered by the Superior Court for Bladen County on February 25, 2019.

Ti-Pure™ Flex - An innovative e-commerce solution that’s focused on you

Ti-Pure™ Flex is an online e-commerce solution designed to meet the needs of TiO2 buyers looking for maximum flexibility without contracts or long-term commitments.


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