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本通知は、ケマーズのグローバル情報プライバシーポリシーおよびプライバシーステートメントとともに、 求人応募者関連の個人情報に関するケマーズの慣行について説明するものです。

CFR Long-Term Remedy Performance Monitoring Report #2 April-June 2023

This CFR Long-Term Remedy Performance Monitoring Report #2 (“Report”)1 has been prepared for the Q2 2023 period of April 1 through June 30, 2023 and documents the continued operation of the interim seep Flow-Through Cells (FTCs), the groundwater extraction and conveyance system (GWEC), and the groundwater treatment plant (GWTP); the commissioning and startup of the ex-situ seeps and weeps capture systems (“Ex-Situ Capture Systems”); and the completion of the barrier wall.

Consent Order Addendum – Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 1.b - March 28, 2023

Please find enclosed the Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment – Fourth Quarter 2023 Report.


This interim report has been prepared by The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours) to provide an update on the characterization of previously unidentified per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aqueous samples collected from process wastewater, non-process wastewater (i.e., noncontact cooling water) and stormwater at the Chemours Fayetteville Works, North Carolina site (the Facility).

Monthly Emissions Report Cover Letter - 12/20/19

Pursuant to Paragraph 8.d of the Consent Order, please find enclosed the December monthly emissions report for GenX Compounds from Fayetteville Works, prepared with support from our consultant, ERM NC, Inc. (“ERM”).

Initial Progress Report Development of a Total Organic Fluorine (TOF) Method for the Analysis of Process Wastewater Streams and Air from Fayetteville Works (NC)

Susan D. Richardson and Ying Zhang, University of South Carolina November 29, 2019

Monthly Emissions Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 March 22, 2019

Pursuant to Paragraph 8.d of the Consent Order, please find enclosed the monthly emissions report for GenX Compounds from Fayetteville Works.

TW EIA 105 02 105 04

TW EIA 104 05 104 07

Consent Order Addendum - Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2.a - August 26, 2021

Please find enclosed the Interim Seep Remediation Seep A Effectiveness Demonstration Report. This report is being submitted by Chemours pursuant to paragraph 2.a of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12, entered by the Bladen County Superior Court on October 12, 2020.