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Showing 231-240 of 2549 results

Chemours Management System and Certifications

Find ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates for Chemours sites.

STEM Careers Are Here to Stay

We're getting the next generation excited about STEM careers.


Applications of Krytox™ High-Performance Lubricants

Krytox™ high-performance lubricants enable safe use and applications.

Diane Luliano Picho Leadership Bio

Diane Iuliano Picho is the Interim President of Titanium Technologies (TT), one of the largest manufacturers of Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂) in the world.



Opteon™ 1100 Meets the Needs of the Appliance Industry Brochure

Increased Performance and Reduced Environmental Impact to Meet the Needs of the Appliance Industry

Sustainable Refrigeration Solutions

Cultivos Araba reap the rewards of an innovative application using Opteon™ XL20 (R-454C)

EU Declaration of Compliance for Food Contact Materials for Plastics

The Chemours Company, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 USA, which manufactures and then imports the following products into the EU via Chemours Belgium BVBA, hereby declares that the composition of our products identified as: Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigments for Plastics Grade: R-350

2021 CDP Climate Change Response

The CDP response for Climate Change for The Chemours Company in 2020.

Chemours Corporate Responsibility Commitment Index Report 2020

We have pledged to hold ourselves accountable by annually reporting on our progress against our 10 CRC goals that span our products, operations, people, and partnerships.