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Showing 2351-2360 of 2556 results

How TiO₂ Grades Drive Value & Performance in Flat Paints

Testing for Durability, Reliable Methods and Pigment Contribution

Viton™ AL-276C and AL-576C Technical Information

Viton™ AL-300* is an “AL-family” gum polymer that demonstrates improved processing when compared to its precursor Viton™ B-70N.

Viton™ AL-276C and AL-576C Technical Information

Viton™ AL-276C* and Viton™ AL-576C* fluoroelastomers are two precompounds intended for use in applications that require low temperature flexibility similar to Viton™ B-70

Viton™ A-201C Tech Info

Viton™ A-201C* fluoroelastomer is an incorporated cure “A-family” dipolymer designed for injection molding of sealing devices that must meet major fluoroelastomer specifications.

Consent Order Addendum - Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2.a - November 4, 2021

Please find enclosed the Interim Seep Remediation Seep B Effectiveness Demonstration Report. This report is being submitted by Chemours pursuant to paragraph 2.a of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12, entered by the Bladen County Superior Court on October 12, 2020.

Chemours Chambers Works Surveying and PFAS Sampling Program Residential GAC System Results – 4Q23

The E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company voluntarily conducted a residential drinking-water well surveying and sampling program within a two-mile radius surrounding the Chambers Works Facility in Deepwater, New Jersey in 2009.

Freon™ 134a Velocity in Lines

Velocity in Lines for Freon™ 134a Refrigerant

HVAC World After R 410A With Opteon™ XL41 (R 454B)

Opteon™ XL41. The Clear Future of HVAC Refrigerants.

Freon™ 404A Velocity in Lines (Eng)

Velocity in Lines for Freon™ 404A (R-404A) Refrigerant (65 °F Evaporator Outlet) Eng Units


Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC (Geosyntec) has prepared this Stormwater Treatment System Sampling Plan (“Sampling Plan”) on behalf of The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours) pursuant to the requirements of Paragraph 4(b) of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12 (CO Addendum)