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Showing 241-250 of 2546 results

Opteon™ XP10 (R-513A)

Next Generation Refrigeration Alternative for R-134a

HFO Refrigerants Solutions: Energy Efficiency is a Critical Factor

Discover how low GWP HFO refrigerants are the ideal long-term solution to maximize environmental and economical benefits.

A grocery chain in France using Opteon™ XL20 as their preferred refrigerant solution

A grocery chain specializing in fresh produce launched in France in 2017, priding itself on its specially selected product range. Guaranteeing the integrity of their service offering relies on operationally efficient refrigeration systems in the front and back of store.

R-960 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-960 is a rutile titanium dioxide pigment manufactured by the chloride process.

Chemours 2020 CRC Performance Scorecard

A representation of year or year comparison numbers around the Chemours Corporate Responsibility Commitment displayed as a tabular scorecard.

Chemours 2022 Data Appendix and Reporting Indices

This report covers certain sustainability metrics and data for Chemours as of and during the year ended December 31, 2022, as applicable, unless otherwise stated.

2022 CDP Climate Change Response

Chemours Code of Conduct

Living Integrity. Living Chemistry.

Opteon™ 1100 Meets the Needs of the Appliance Industry Brochure

Increased Performance and Reduced Environmental Impact to Meet the Needs of the Appliance Industry

Sustainable Refrigeration Solutions

Cultivos Araba reap the rewards of an innovative application using Opteon™ XL20 (R-454C)