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Showing 2521-2530 of 2546 results

Submission of Thermal Oxidizer Emission Test Reports Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8.c.i April 3, 2020

By letter dated March 30, 2020, Chemours submitted the Thermal Oxidizer Performance Test Report, with attached efficiency test reports for testing events.

Consent Order Progress Report For First Quarter 2020

Submissions to the State of North Carolina and Cape Fear River Watch

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 April 24, 2020

Chemours is pleased to submit the enclosed quarterly progress report, as required under paragraph 28 of the Consent Order entered by the Superior Court for Bladen County on February 25, 2019.

Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment Cover Letter (12/2020)

Please find enclosed the Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment - Third Quarter 2020 Report

The Chemours Company France SAS Rue Frederic Kuhlmann BP 5002160871 Rieux cedex, Villers St Paul 60871 France

The manufacture and supply of Fluoroproducts for the SPS business

Consent Order Addendum - Submission Pursuant to Paragraph 2.a - May 28, 2021

Please find enclosed the Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #2.

Visión general de la sostenibilidad en Europa

Nuestra química responsable ayuda a construir un futuro sostenible para todos.

The Cold Chain of Food with Opteon™ Refrigerants in NA

At every step along food's journey to the dinner table, refrigerants play a vital role in preserving safety and freshness.


Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) has prepared this Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment - Third Quarter 2023 Report for The Chemours Company, FC, LLC (Chemours).

Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment – First Quarter 2021 Report Cover Letter

Please find enclosed the Cape Fear River PFAS Mass Loading Assessment – First Quarter 2021 Report.