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Showing 691-700 of 2547 results


Teflon™ Cabling Solutions for Oil and Gas

Teflon™ fluoropolymers protect critical instruments from harsh conditions.


Brand Assurance and Licensing for Teflon™ Textile Finishes

Find information to license and use the Teflon™ trademark.

About the Florida Mine

Chemours extracts important minerals from mines along the Trail Ridge.


Teflon™ Nonstick Coatings FAQ

Discover the magic of how Teflon™ coatings stick to nonstick pans, and more.


Four Things You Need to Know About Ore Market & TiO₂

Understanding factors that affect supply reliability and what it means for your business


A New Era of Supply Chain Success: Leveraging Logistics as a Competitive Advantage

New tools and processes are emerging that can alleviate supply constraints and provide manufacturers with greater reliability of supply – a critical determinant of business success that can serve as a competitive advantage for many manufacturers in today’s environment.

Chemours Ethics Hotline

Learn more about the Chemours ethics hotline and code of conduct.


Building and Construction

Solutions that deliver performance, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness across commercial and residential building and construction applications.



Efficient cooling and an excellent environmental profile in a variety of mobile air conditioning systems.

Capstone™ Fluorosurfactants and Coating Additives Applications

Capstone™ fluorosurfactants are used in paints, waxes, inks, and more.