Chemours Future of Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology School Partnership Program

Inspiring a new generation of STEM professionals through early access to STEM education and mentoring


1. Martinez, Anthony, and Cheridan Christnacht. “Women Making Gains in STEM Occupations but Still Underrepresented.” The United States Census Bureau, 26 Jan. 2021,
2. Arnim, Emily. “A Third of Minority Students Leave STEM Majors. Here's Why.” EAB, 8 Oct. 2019,
3. Funk, Cary, and Kim Parker. “Diversity in the STEM Workforce Varies Widely across Jobs.” Pew Research Center's Social & Demographic Trends Project, Pew Research Center, 31 Dec. 2019,
4. Thomas, K. “Encouraging Girls (K-12) to Study STEM.” Edited by Elizabeth Mazenko, National Girls Collaborative Project, National Girls Collaborative, 19 Aug. 2016, 9:36AM,
5. “Emerson STEM Survey Shows Growing Interest in STEM Careers: Emerson US.” Emerson STEM Survey Shows Growing Interest in STEM Careers | Emerson US, 19 Aug. 2019,
6. “STEM Occupations Had above-Average Growth.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Jan. 2017,,growth%20in%20non%2DSTEM%20occupations.
7. “Employment in STEM Occupations.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 9 Apr. 2021,