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Showing 2011-2020 of 2550 results

Freon™ 134a FACT sheet

Freon™ 134a automotive refrigerant from Chemours, formerly DuPont™ Suva® 134a automotive refrigerant, is a known and trusted brand used by automotive service technicians around the world.

Freon™ 22 Thermodynamic Properties (SI)

Tables of the thermodynamic properties of Freon™ 22 (R-22) have been developed and are presented here.

Reactie Chemours op speculatie over lozingen in 2021

Recent vernamen wij de zorgen van KWF (PFAS-lozingen rond chemiebedrijf Chemours Dordrecht | KWF Kankerbestrijding ( over verhoogde niveaus van PFAS die in de omgeving van Rotterdam zijn gemeten

Opteon™ XP10 P-H Diagram (SI)

TW EIA 109 11 110 01

Privacyverklaring sollicitanten

Deze verklaring beschrijft samen met de Algemeen beleid Chemours inzake privacy van gegevens en privacyverklaring hoe Chemours omgaat met de persoonsgegevens van sollicitanten.

FE-25™ Technical Information

Since the days of Halon 1301, the fire protection industry has been concerned with the formation of toxic decomposition products from the use of halocarbons as fire extinguishants.

FM-200™: Protecting Critical Needs Today and Tomorrow One-Pager

We estimate that there’s over a billion cubic feet of critical space around the globe already utilizing FM-200™ in systems to protect against the risk of fire; and, every year, another 70 million ft3 of critical space utilizes the advantages of FM-200™ fire protection.

Starblast™ and Starblast™ XL Product Info

Zircon Product Info