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Showing 2031-2040 of 2550 results

TDEC Public Hearing Landfill Expansion

EU Classification and Labelling of TiO₂ Update

Chemours, together with TDMA, has worked to interpret and put into practice the classification proposal under the CLP guidelines.

Chinese Food Contact Status of Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigments

Ti-Pure™ titanium dioxide pigment R-900 is acceptable for packaging materials for food contact uses under Standard GB 9685-2016, and subsequent amendments, for use in paper.

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5 Things You Need to Know About the European Union’s Latest TiO₂ Regulatory Updates

Working within a global market requires global responsibility.

Opteon™ XL41 Materials Compatibility

Because Opteon refirgerants will be used in many different applications, it is important to assess materials of construction for compatibility with these new refrigerants when designing new equipment, retrofitting existing equipment, or preparing storage and handling facilities.

Comunicado Ejecutivo - Evaluación RSC para proveedores

El 13 de septiembre The Chemours Company anunció su Compromiso de responsabilidad corporativa (CRC) presentado al mercado a través de 10 objetivos ambiciosos.

Chemours Chambers Works Surveying and PFAS Sampling Program Residential GAC System Results – 4Q22

The E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company voluntarily conducted a residential drinking-water well surveying and sampling program within a two-mile radius surrounding the Chambers Works Facility in Deepwater, New Jersey in 2009.

Altamira ISO 9001 Certificate

Through an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system fulfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO 9001 : 2015

U.S. FDA Food Contact Status of Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigments

Ti-Pure™ titanium dioxide pigment grades: R-105 and R-960 are acceptable for packaging materials for FDA food contact uses, under 21 CFR 178.3297 (Colorants for Polymers) or otherwise have a suitable status under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and its implementing food additive regulations under FDA’s Conditions of Use A through H, without limitations.