Résultats de recherche

Montrant 1141-1150 de 2426 résultats

Verantwoorde productie van essentiële materialen

Of het nu gaat om de batterij in een elektrische auto, een warmtepomp of microchips: ze worden allemaal mogelijk gemaakt door de chemie van Chemours. Wij produceren in Nederland essentiële materialen op verantwoorde wijze.

Media Advisory: Chemours Files Appeal of the Final NPDES Permit (NC0090042)

Chemours regrets that we must file an appeal of the Final NPDES Permit (NC0090042) issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ) dated September 15, 2022, related to the water treatment system for our mile-long barrier wall designed to further reduce PFAS loading from groundwater into the Cape Fear River.

Ongoing 2016 Residential Drinking Water Well Surveying and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sampling Program Status Update, Chemours Chambers Works Complex, Deepwater, New Jersey

Attached please find the Ongoing 2016 Residential Drinking Water Well Surveying and PFAS Sampling Program Status Update for the Chemours Chambers Works Complex in Deepwater, New Jersey.

TW EIA 110 05 110 07

TW EIA 5TH 10211 10301

Chemours 経営幹部からのお知らせとお願い - サプライヤー様の CSR 評価

今年 9 月 13 日、The Chemours Company は 10 項目の大きな目標を掲げた企業責任に対するコミットメント(CRC)を 市場に向けて発表しました。

Employees Participate in Clean Up Event at Johnsonville State Historic Park

Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Water, Soils, Sediments and Tissue

Method 537 (Modified), Method PFAS by LCMSMS Compliant with QSM Table B-15, Revision 5.3 and higher

Submission of Old Outfall 002 Remedial Options Plan Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 12.e May 20, 2019

Paragraph 12.e of the Consent Order requires Chemours to submit a plan within ninety days of entry of the Consent Order that analyzes the following remedial options for Old Outfall 002

Request for Laboratory Approval Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 14 March 1, 2019

Paragraph 14 of the Consent Order states: “Within thirty (30) days of entry of this Consent Order, Chemours shall submit a plan and proposed schedule for review and approval by DEQ for funding and facilitating the conducting of an initial set of toxicity studies by a qualified third party approved by DEQ relating to both toxicity assays informative to human health and aquatic life sufficient to aid in development of surface water and groundwater regulatory standards for up to five PFAS as determined by DEQ.”