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Ti-Pure™ TS-1510 Titanium Dioxide

Driving Superior Processing Performance & Sustainability

Submission of Quarterly Report #1 – Characterization of PFAS in Process and Non-Process Wastewater and Stormwater – Chemours Fayetteville Works, Fayetteville, NC. July 2019

Chemours is submitting the enclosed Quarterly Report #1 – Characterization of PFAS in Process and Non-Process Wastewater and Stormwater, prepared by our consultant Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC.

Dordrecht ISO 9001 Certificate

The manufacture and supply of Fluoroproducts

Determination of Table 3 Plus Compounds by LC/MS/MS

Chemours Fluoroproducts Analytical Method Revision date 1/10/2019

Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #3

Please find enclosed the Interim Seep Remediation Operation and Maintenance Report #3. This report is being submitted by Chemours pursuant to paragraph 2.a of the Addendum to Consent Order Paragraph 12, entered by the Bladen County Superior Court on October 12, 2020. The report was prepared by Chemours’s consultant, Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C.

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28 January 22, 2020

Chemours is pleased to submit the enclosed fourth quarterly progress report, as required under paragraph 28 of the Consent Order entered by the Superior Court for Bladen County on February 25, 2019.

Submission Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 8 October 25, 2019

Between September 24 and 26, 2019, Chemours and its contractor Weston Solutions, Inc. (“Weston”) performed emissions testing for GenX Compounds at the Vinyl Ethers North and Polymers facilities at Fayetteville Works.

Inventory of Emissions of GenX Compounds

(Per Consent Order, Paragraph 8a) October-19


The Cape Fear River PFAS Loading Reduction Plan (Geosyntec, 2019a) was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and Cape Fear River Watch (CFRW) on August 26, 2019 pursuant to Paragraph 12 of the Consent Order among Chemours, NCDEQ, and (CFRW).

NCDAQ Monthly Emissions Report Cover Letter 11 20 2019

Pursuant to Paragraph 8.d of the Consent Order, please find enclosed the November monthly emissions report for GenX Compounds from Fayetteville Works, prepared with support from our consultant, ERM NC, Inc. (“ERM”).