

表示する 671-6802488 結果

EU Declaration of Compliance for Food Contact Materials for Plastics

The Chemours Company, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 USA, which manufactures and then imports the following products into the EU via Chemours Belgium BVBA, hereby declares that the composition of our products identified as: Ti-Pure™ Titanium Dioxide Pigments for Plastics Grade: R-350

2020 年 2 月 18 日、欧州委員会は規則 (EU) 2020-217 を発行しました。

TS-6300 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ TS-6300 is a specialty TiO2 designed for mid to high quality flat (matte) architectural coatings.

R-902+ Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-902+ is a multipurpose rutile titanium dioxide pigment manufactured by the chloride process for both interior and exterior coatings applications.

R-741 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-741 is manufactured by slurrying Ti-Pure™ R-931 with water and dispersants under conditions that optimize the paint performance of the pigment in the architectural coating.

R-103 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-103 is a rutile titanium dioxide pigment manufactured by the chloride process.

TS-6200 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ TS-6200 is a rutile pigment manufactured via Chemour’s chloride process.

R-900 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-900 is a rutile titanium dioxide pigment manufactured by the chloride process for general interior coatings applications.

R-746 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-746 is a multipurpose rutile titanium dioxide slurry of Ti-Pure™ R-706, manufactured by the chloride process, that is designed to deliver both high gloss and excellent durability in coatings.

R-706 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-706 is a universal rutile titanium dioxide pigment, manufactured by the chloride process, that is designed to deliver both high gloss and excellent durability in coatings.